Advanced PHP Practice Interview Questions And Answers

Here we present some more challenging practice PHP interview questions and answers that were asked in a real interview for a PHP web developer position. These questions are really good to not just test your PHP skills, but also your general web development knowledge. We think that you will benefit a lot, and gain some good practice by going through these questions. The questions are for intermediate to somewhat advanced PHP software engineers, but even if you are just a beginner or fresher you should be able to understand the answers and explanations we give – but you may not be able to come up with the answers on your own. Here is the first part of the question – read it carefully to really understand it, and we give a simple, easy to understand explanation of everything in this question:

Write a PHP script to report the total download size of any URL. You may not use any 3rd-party code that performs the entire task described below.

No HTML interface is necessary for this exercise; you can write this as a command-line
script that accepts the URL as an argument.

For a single-file resource such as an image or SWF, the script would
simply report on the total size of the document.

For a complex resource such as an HTML document, the script would need
to parse it to find references to embedded, included resources:
javascript files, CSS files, iframes, etc.

The goal of this exercise is to output the following information for a given URL:

– total number of HTTP requests

– total download size for all requests

So, there are 2 primary goals that this question asks us to solve: For any URL, find the total number of HTTP requests generated by that URL, and also find the total download size for all requests. You may not understand what is meant by an HTTP request, but don’t worry we explain it all below.

We’ll have to break down this question into more manageable pieces since it is a lot to comprehend. So, we’ll go with the divide and conquer approach. Let’s start with the easier parts of the question first.

Accepting arguments in PHP scripts

The question says that “No HTML interface is necessary; you can write this as a command-line script that accepts the URL as an argument”.

So, let’s just say that we want to just write this as a command line script. The question is how do we retrieve arguments inside a PHP command-line script?

Well, if we plan on having the script called from the command line as “ourscript.php”, where the URL is passed as an argument, then inside the PHP script we can grab the URL value by using the PHP variable “$argv[1];”. Inside our PHP script the code to retrieve the URL passed in as an argument would look like:

/*  If this script is invoked as ourscript.php,
     then $argv[1] will hold the value, and 
     that value will be stored in the $URL variable as well

$URL = $argv[1];

That’s very simple code – now, let’s move on to other parts of the question.

How to connect to a URL in PHP?

It should also be clear that we will need to somehow be able to connect to a URL and view the contents of the page that the URL points to. What is the best way to do this? Well PHP provides a library called cURL that may already be included in your installation of PHP by default. cURL stands for client URL, and it allows you to connect to a URL and retrieve information from that page – like the HTML content of the page, the HTTP headers and their associated data, etc. You will see the use of cURL in our code below – don’t worry if you’ve never used cURL before, it’s fairly easy to understand!

Understanding resources

If you are confused by what exactly is meant by the term “resource” in the question above, then you should just think of a web resource as a generic term for a file. So, a CSS file, a Javascript file, an HTML file, a SWF (a file used for Adobe Flash) file, an image file (jpg, png, etc) – each of these is a different type of resource, and as you know there are many more types of resources on the web.

The difference between single file resources and other resources

The question specifically calls HTML files complex resources because of the simple fact that HTML documents are complex – they can contain many references to single file resources like image files, and SWF files. A single file resource does not contain references to other resources – a jpg or gif file can not contain a reference to another file, and that is why they are both considered single file resources. An HTML file, on the other hand, is also considered a resource itself, but because it contains references to other resources, it is not considered to be a single file resource.

In order to retrieve a resource from the web server where that resource is stored, a web browser has to make an HTTP request. Read on to understand more about HTTP requests.

What exactly is an HTTP request?

The question asks for two major things from a URL – the total number of HTTP requests and the total download size for all requests. The download size is easy enough to understand, but you may be confused by what exactly is meant by an HTTP request. HTTP is the protocol used to communicate on the web. When you visit a webpage, your browser will make an HTTP request to the server that hosts that webpage, and the server on which the webpage is hosted will respond with an HTTP response.

But, what is important to understand here, is that your browser will probably have to make multiple HTTP requests in order to retrieve a single HTML page at a given URL, because that webpage will probably have some CSS files to go along with it, some Javascript files, and probably some images as well. Each one of those resources is a separate HTTP request – 2 image files, 2 Javascript files, and 2 CSS files means 6 separate HTTP requests. In HTTP, only one resource can be requested at a time – so we can not have 1 request for 6 different resources, instead we must have 6 requests for those 6 different resources.

So, for the purpose of this interview question, we have to find out the number of HTTP requests that will be made for a given URL – hopefully what that means is now clear to you. We’ll go more in depth on this later – and show some actual code – as we cover some other things as well.

How to find the download size of a file?

The question also asks us to find the total download size of a URL. But what if that URL passed into the script just points to a single file resource like a JPG file or a GIF file? Well, for a single file resource we just need to find the size of that particular file and then return it as the answer, and we are done. But, for an HTML document we will need to find the total size of all resources that are embedded and included on the page and return that as the answer – because you must remember that we want the total download size of a URL.

So, let’s write a PHP function that will return the download size of a single file resource. How should we approach writing this function – what is the easiest way to find the download size of a single file resource on the web?

Well, there is an HTTP header called “Content-Length” which will actually tell us the size of a particular resource file in the HTTP response (after the resource is requested). So, all we have to do is use PHP’s built in “get_headers” function, which will retrieve all the HTTP headers sent by the server in response to an HTTP request.

The get_headers function accepts a URL as an argument. So, the PHP code to retrieve the “Content-Length” header would look like this:

function get_remote_file_size($url) {

$headers = get_headers($url, 1);
if (isset($headers['Content-Length'])) 
       return $headers['Content-Length'];
    //checks for lower case "L" in Content-length:
if (isset($headers['Content-length'])) 
       return $headers['Content-length'];


But, there is actually a problem with this code: you will not always receive the Content-Length header in an HTTP response. In other words, the HTTP Content-Length header is not guaranteed to be sent back by the web server hosting that particular URL, because it depends on the configuration of the server. This means that you need an alternative that always works in case the approach above fails.

An alternative to using the content-length header

Well, we can actually download the file ourselves and then just get the download size for that URL. How can we do this? Well, this is where we can use cURL as we discussed above. Once we download the resource, we can retrieve the download size using the CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD parameter. So, using this approach as a backup to our first approach, we can come up with this code (the code in red below is the new code):

function get_remote_file_size($url) {

 $headers = get_headers($url, 1);
    if (isset($headers['Content-Length'])) 
       return $headers['Content-Length'];
    //checks for lower case "L" in Content-length:
    if (isset($headers['Content-length'])) 
       return $headers['Content-length'];

//the code below runs if no "Content-Length" header is found:

    $c = curl_init();
    curl_setopt_array($c, array(
        CURLOPT_URL => $url,
        CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array('User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 
        (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: 
        Gecko/20090824 Firefox/3.5.3'),
    $size = curl_getinfo($c, CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD);
    return $size;


How should we parse HTML in PHP?

What exactly is meant by the sentence “For a complex resource such as an HTML document, the script would need
to parse it to find references to embedded, included resources:
javascript files, CSS files, iframes, etc.”?

Well, as you probably know, an HTML page often uses other files to render the HTML page – like CSS file(s) for styling, Javascript file(s) for adding more functionality to the HTML page, and so on. But the question is how do we take an HTML page and find all of those resources in the HTML page. Of course, this is easy to do if we are reading the HTML page with the human eye. But, we want to find these resources using a program that will read the HTML for us. This is actually more complicated than it seems – and the process by which a program (like PHP) reads an HTML file and analyzes the text to extract meaningful data (like resources) is known as parsing the HTML. Any text can be parsed, but we are exclusively focused on HTML for the purpose of this interview question.

Parsing HTML in PHP is definitely something that you do not want to do on your own, because it is so complex – as you can read about here: How to parse HTML in PHP. The best way to parse HTML in PHP is to use a library that already exists – because writing an entire library from scratch to do this would obviously be considered way too much work for an answer to an interview question.

Note that the question states that “You may not use any 3rd-party code that performs the entire task described below”. This just means you can not use 3rd party code to perform the entire task – but using a PHP library to help you with part of this question is perfectly OK. Of course, you should clarify this with your interviewer if you are in doubt, but we know for sure that for this particular question there’s no way that the interviewers would be expecting you to perform this task without using a library to help you parse the HTML.

With that in mind, here is the library we plan on using: PHP HTML parser.

Note that the instructions say: “For a single-file resource such as an image or SWF, the script would simply report on the total size of the document.”

This means that if the URL is single file resources like an image file, we can just return the size of the file and we are done. But, how can we distinguish between a single-file resource and a non-single file resource? Well, we could just say that all non-HTML pages are single file resources. That statement is not entirely true, as you can read about in part 3, but we will pretend it is for the sake of keeping things simple.

But wait, you might be thinking – what about PHP, JSP, ASP and all of those pages? Well, of course there is some application specific logic embedded in those pages, but once those pages are rendered in a browser they are all HTML pages, regardless of what their file extension may be.

So, all we have to do in order to determine if a URL points to a single file resource is to see if it is an HTML page – if it is not an HTML page, then we know that the file is a single resource file.

Using the HTTP Content-Type Header

But how do we check to see if a webpage is an HTML page? Clearly we can’t just look at the URL by itself, because a PHP page, JSP page, etc. are all HTML pages, but the file extension does not tell us that. Well, once again we can use the HTTP headers to our advantage – in this case, we just have to take a look at the HTTP Content Type header.

And, if the Content-Type header is equal to “text/html”, then we know that we are dealing with an HTML page. But if the Content-Type header for the URL is not equal to “text/html”, then we know that we are dealing with a single file resource, and we can just return the size.

Let’s write some code in PHP that will tell us if a given URL is actually an HTML page by checking the HTTP headers. Here is a PHP function that will do that for us:

function check_if_html($url){
     $ch = curl_init($url);

     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, TRUE);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, TRUE);

     $data = curl_exec($ch);
     $contentType = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE );

     if (strpos($contentType,'text/html') !== false)
	 	return TRUE; 	// this is HTML, yes!
	    return FALSE;

In the code above, we just use a simple cURL connection to the URL to retrieve the headers, and then check the contentType header to see if it has the text “text/html”. If it does, then we return true, otherwise we return false.

Then, we can add some code that will actually call the function to determine if a URL points to just a single resource file:

check to see if the URL points to an HTML page,
if it doesn't then we are dealing with a single
file resource:
if (!check_if_html($URL))
$totalSize = get_remote_file_size($URL);

echo "Final Total Download Size: $totalSize Bytes ";

$totalNumResources += 1;  //single resource is an HTTP request

echo "  Final total HTTP requests: $totalNumResources" ;


How to find the total number of HTTP requests

We mentioned that we would need to find the total number of HTTP requests generated by a given URL – let’s figure out how to write some code that will do that for us. It’s clear that we must have some variable that maintains a total count of all HTTP requests, and this variable will be incremented as we come across more and more HTTP requests.

We know that images will be wrapped in an “img” tag – so if we just do a search for all img tags we can take a look at the src attribute, and find the size of any given image. For each image we find, we can increment the variable that holds the total count of the HTTP requests. We can also do the same for CSS files – they will be referenced inside “link” tags, and also for JavaScript files, which will be referenced inside “script” tags.

We will need to use the simple HTML DOM parser that we discussed earlier in order to find all of the references to CSS, Javascript, and image files. Here’s what the code looks like – note that we are using the simple HTML DOM library functionality to parse through the HTML. Also note that we are using a variable called $totalNumResources to hold the total number of resources, and another variable called $totalSize to hold the total size of all of the resources:


$URL = $argv[1];

// Create DOM from URL or file
$html = file_get_html($URL);

// find all images!!
foreach($html->find('img') as $element){

	   $size = get_remote_file_size($element->src);
	   $totalSize = $totalSize + $size; 	
	   $totalNumResources += 1;

	   echo "Total Size So Far: $totalSize.\n"; 
	   echo "total resources: $totalNumResources .\n"; 

           echo "IMAGE SIZE: $size.\n";

           echo "$element->src.\n";

// find all CSS files
foreach($html->find('link') as $element)
    if (strpos($element->href,'.css') !== false) {

	   $size = retrieve_remote_file_size($element->href);
	    echo "SIZE: $size.\n";

	    $totalSize = $totalSize + $size; 
	    $totalNumResources += 1;

// find all script tags
foreach($html->find('script') as $element)
  //make sure this is javascript
  if (strpos($element->src,'.js') !== false) {
    $size = get_remote_file_size($element->src);
     echo " Javascript SIZE: $size.\n"; 

     $totalSize = $totalSize + $size; 		
      $totalNumResources += 1;

The answer to Advanced PHP Interview Question Part 1

Finally, we present our complete answer to the advanced PHP interview question part 1 below – with all the source code you need to answer the first portion of the question. You can also continue on to Part 2 of the PHP Interview Questions and Answers, or just click the next button below.


$URL = $argv[1];

$totalSize = 0;

$totalNumResources = 0;

check to see if the URL points to an HTML page,
if it doesn't then we are dealing with a single
file resource:

if (!check_if_html($URL))
$totalSize = get_remote_file_size($URL);

echo "Final Total Download Size: $totalSize Bytes ";

$totalNumResources += 1;  //a single resource is still an HTTP request

echo "  Final total HTTP requests: $totalNumResources" ;



/* at this point we know we are dealing with an HTML document
   which also counts as a resource, so increment the $totalNumResources
   variable by 1

$totalNumResources += 1; 

$html = file_get_html($URL);

// find all images:
foreach($html->find('img') as $element){

	   $size = get_remote_file_size($element->src);
	   $totalSize = $totalSize + $size; 	
	   $totalNumResources += 1;

	   echo "Total Size So Far: $totalSize.\n"; 
	   echo "total resources: $totalNumResources .\n"; 

           echo "IMAGE SIZE: $size.\n";

           echo "$element->src.\n";

// Find all CSS:
foreach($html->find('link') as $element)

	if (strpos($element->href,'.css') !== false) {

	  $size = get_remote_file_size($element->href);
	  $totalSize = $totalSize + $size; 
	  $totalNumResources += 1;
	   echo "total resources: $totalNumResources .\n"; 

	   echo "Total Size So Far: $totalSize.\n"; 
	   echo "$element->href.\n";    
     //only output the ones with 'css' inside...

//find all javascript:
foreach($html->find('script') as $element)

//check to see if it is javascript file:
if (strpos($element->src,'.js') !== false) {

	  $size = get_remote_file_size($element->src);
	  //echo " JS SIZE: $size.\n"; 

	 $totalSize = $totalSize + $size; 		
	 $totalNumResources += 1;

  	echo "Total Size So Far: $totalSize.\n"; 
	 echo "total resources: $totalNumResources .\n"; 

        echo "$element->src.\n";  

echo "Final total download size: $totalSize Bytes" ;

echo "Final total HTTP requests: $totalNumResources";

function get_remote_file_size($url) {
    $headers = get_headers($url, 1);
    if (isset($headers['Content-Length'])) return $headers['Content-Length'];
    //this one checks for lower case "L" IN CONTENT-length:
    if (isset($headers['Content-length'])) return $headers['Content-length'];

    $c = curl_init();
    curl_setopt_array($c, array(
        CURLOPT_URL => $url,
        CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array('User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090824 Firefox/3.5.3'),
    $size = curl_getinfo($c, CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD);
    return $size;


/*checks content type header to see if it is
   an HTML page...

function check_if_html($url){
     $ch = curl_init($url);

     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, TRUE);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, TRUE);

     $data = curl_exec($ch);
     $contentType = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE );

     if (strpos($contentType,'text/html') !== false)
	 	return TRUE; 	// this is HTML, yes!
	    return FALSE;

If you see some improvements we can make to the code above, please let us know in the comments. Press next to see part 2 of this series of PHP web developer interview questions.

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