The Top 21 Most Common Java Interview Questions

a row of young people sitting by the wall while waiting for the turn to be interviewed

It pays to know of the one most popular programming languages.

In 2016, Oracle noted Java was used by approximately 9 million developers and running on 7 billion devices worldwide. That’s an exponential growth curve, considering it’s only been public for less than 25 years.

Java was born in Santa Clara, California as part of the Silicon Valley boom in the early 1990s. Java was developed at Sun Microsystems to boost the abilities and effectiveness of C++ language.

It was released to the public in 1995 and quickly gained popularity. Java was designed to run independent of platform. Any device that has Java Runtime Environment (JRE), a lightweight application, can run a Java program. This provided developers a “write once, run anywhere” programming language. It significantly reduced the coding and resources necessary to write a program for multiple platforms.

Java was eventually acquired by Oracle as part of its larger purchase of Sun in January 2010.

Of all the programming languages available, how did Java surpass them and become such a hot commodity in today’s job market?

Why Java is One of the Top Programming Languages

Java is undeniably popular. It consistently leads the TIOBE index – a measure of the popularity of programming languages created by the TIOBE Company in the Netherlands – with the most recent rating of 17.8%. That’s up 5.4% from last year.

Below are just a few of the reasons why Java has become so popular:

  • The Five Principles: Sun Microsystems wanted to build on the C++ language and create something that more people could use. They explained this goal as Five Principles which guided the initial design and subsequent iterations of the language.
  • Open Source: Anyone can create Java applications at no cost. A massive community of users has grown around Java, providing additional resources and expertise for developers. Message boards and forums provide free publicity and ongoing training for users. With a growing library of functions and classes, Java is an easy choice when looking to deliver results quickly.
  • Concurrent: Programmers can process data in parallel, meaning multiple programs can run at the same time.This increases the efficiency and power of programs written in Java.
  • Wide Range of Uses: Java is used in banking and financial services, IT, and stock market trades. It provides a solid foundation for websites. Java is critical for applications in a wide range of industries.
  • Big-Name Users: Companies and programs that use Java include Minecraft, Adobe Creative, Google, and more.

Thanks to the high demand for this skill set, average salary range has been reported at $93,570 for a Java programmer. It’s no wonder Java developers and programmers are in such demand.

Knowing Java is only part of what you need to earn a position with one of the top companies in the world. Let’s look closely at the interview process and the questions you can expect.

Interview Questions

The interview is designed to give the business a better understanding of who you will be as an employee and how you will work as part of a team. The questions will also cover specific technical skills you’ll need.

Problem-Solving Questions

Managers want problem solvers in every layer of employment – from entry level to top management. The hiring manager will test your personal skills by asking about missed deadlines, office conflicts, loss of data, and overlapping deadlines. They are not only looking to see that you know how to fix a problem but want to know how you can deliver solutions when problems occur.

Below are a few of the questions you should prepare to answer:

question mark
  • What is a challenge you’ve faced in the past and how did you handle it?
  • Have you ever had a project that was behind schedule? How did you manage the work and meet the deadline?
  • Tell me about a time where you faced a problem you couldn’t solve. How did you handle it?
  • Describe a creative solution you used to handle a work-related problem?
  • What kind of troubleshooting process do you use in your work?

Leadership-Based Questions

Do you wait for a solution or do you lead by proactively finding the answer? Everyone has their comfort zone with leadership. Hiring managers want to know where you will fit within the company. They may ask questions about your proudest accomplishment, what do you want to gain from this job, or if would you speak up if you knew something in the process was wrong.

  • In your opinion, what makes a great leader?
  • What experience do you have that will help you in this position?
  • What work-related responsibilities have you had in the past?
  • If you knew a manager was wrong, how would you handle it?
  • What is your greatest strength and greatest weakness?

Java Interview Questions

Java is considered one of the easier programming languages, especially when compared to languages like C, C++, Fortran, and Pascal. Even so, there are core skills and expertise every developer and programmer working in Java should have mastered.

man having an interview


The technical questions in the interview will be designed to not only determine your comfort and competence in Java programming, but also check that you have the core skills for the position. Before the interview, make sure to review the job listing to identify what those skills are. Take time to brush up on those skills and have answers ready for any specific technical questions the interviewer might ask.

Let’s look at a few other common Java interview questions:

  • Can you explain what a “platform independent programming language” means, and why Java fits this description?
  • Can you explain the difference between StringBuffer and String?
  • Tell me what you know about the finalize() method?
  • Can you explain the difference in Set and List interface?
  • Why doesn’t Java support multiple inheritances?
  • Tell me what you know about Java Exception Handling? Is there a difference between “throw” and “throws”?
  • What is the Final keyword in Java? How is a super keyword used?
  • Can you explain the abstract class in Java? How is it different from an abstract class in C++?
  • How does static variable work in Java?
  • How does Java store objects in memory?
  • What are the differences between HashTable and HashMap in Java?

Keep in mind, these are common Java interview questions. Many jobs will require specialized technical knowledge and Java programming that isn’t covered by these questions. Understand the position you are interviewing for and the expectations for the job.

Next, we’ll go over a few other things you can do to ace your interview.

Appearances Mean Everything

Beyond knowing the answers to the top interview questions, landing the job is all about first impressions and professionalism. Employers are looking for Java programmers that fit within the corporate culture and take pride in themselves. Confidence in your abilities translates to confidence in your appearance and mannerisms.

man holding laptop

Below are some guidelines to acing the first impression:

Prepare for the Interview

You are an expert in your field, Java programming, but companies also expect you to know about them and how they are using Java. Go beyond the simple Google search and see what the company says about itself. Look at what others are saying about the company and who are their competitors. Review their business pain points and prepare responses on how you can solve them.

Dress Appropriately

Sometimes a recruiter or the hiring manager will provide guidelines on what to wear. If they don’t, do your research and learn what is expected in the corporate culture. Not every company will expect a suit, but some won’t give you a second glance if you wear jeans. In general, interviews tend to be more formal than your daily wear once you land the job.

  • Here are recommendations for women, including what to wear and suggestions on where to buy layers, blazers, dresses, and pants. You don’t have to buy the exact item in the article; use it as a guideline and tailor it to your style and budget.
  • Likewise, there are also suggestions for men for ties, shirts, and trousers. Again, make the style your own, but make sure it fits the expectations.

Print your Resume

Some companies and human resource departments still prefer paper. Print and bring a copy of your resume. It’s better to have it and not need it, then to not be prepared for someone to review your resume.


Store your printed resume, laptop and any samples in a portfolio or briefcase, so they are crisp when you arrive. You will lose credibility if your work looks sloppy.

Follow Up

Gather business cards or contact information during the interview. Email a thank-you note within 24 hours (the sooner the better) of the interview. Express not only your thanks, but also your excitement and recap what you can bring to the company.

A Final Word on Java Interview Questions

Learning Java is only the first step in a career. Even as the demand for quality employees and the sheer number of companies using Java continues to rise, competition for jobs is still fierce.

Preparing for Java interview questions and doing your research before you meet with a recruiter is critical to landing the job you want. You may be the best Java programmer for a position, but if you can’t ace the interview and show what an asset you will be for the company, you may never get a chance to show what you can do.


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